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    The objective here is to get the prospects to make a purchase for your product or service. An item of value for a low price can be used to entice and get them to make the buying decision. The hardest purchase to get is always the first but as soon as they are convinced of what you have to offer them, they’ll make the purchase and then you can gradually move them up the Value Ladder.

    Different ways can be used to achieve this and some of them include:

         Trial: A trial offer of low-cost can be used to convert the prospects into buyers, the goal here is to provide access to a product of high value for a very low cost for a limited amount of time. And as soon as the period elapses, you then offer to charge them for the full package at the regular price. However, to receive this trial offer, the prospects must prove that they are buyers and provide their payment information first. This method is best used for items that don’t require shipping like software products or membership sites.

         Self-Liquidating Offers (SFO): Such offers are a bit pricier and the objective here is to get the frontend product to cover the ad costs so the upsells you have can become pure profit. The price of such offers ranges between thirty-seven and ninety-seven dollars.

         Free-Plus Shipping: This method works for both qualifying subscribers and buyers, the idea is to offer a free product in which the customer would have to cover the shipping costs. This strategy is greatly effective in baiting the prospects and getting them to ascend your Value Ladder thereafter.

         Straight Sale: This kind of sales requires a bit more effort and a lot more pre-framing to get the prospect ready to make the buying decision. The kind of products proffered here are regular-priced items and are more expensive than those being offered in the other methods of qualifying buyers. The price of such products ranges from $97 to $5000 worth of value.

         Tripwire: These are like downsells meaning they are smaller offers which can be used to get the prospects convinced of what value you have to offer them. They are often derived from your core product only much lesser benefits but still of value nonetheless. They can be physical products or software products depending on the kind of business you’re running.

    Getting the prospects to make a purchase is the objective of every marketing strategy, the methods mentioned above are highly effective in getting the prospects to make that buying decision. The buyers can afterward be led through your Value Ladder after they’ve been assured of the value you have to proffer them.

    If you would like to grow your online business to new heights and learn 50 Marketing Tips and Tricks that we have acquired over 20 Years and $100 Million in sales then please feel free to grab a copy of our book.  

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