• Optimizing Your Traffic For Sales Funneling

    My Digital Genie; Digital Genie; Keywords; Best Keywords; Making Money Online
    The concept of the sales funnel depends on traffic and is basically useless without traffic flowing in through the process. After planning out the consumer’s path to action, the next step to take is to make use of platforms and mediums to reach out to consumers and get them involved in the process.

    The top of the funnel is concerned with traffic generation and this stage should be highly optimized. Concentration should be placed on areas of the Internet where consumers interact with regularly. These are the core traffic focus areas, social media platforms, search engines, and popular websites are some of the places where you can place your content for the consumers to come in contact with.

    My Digital Genie; Digital Genie; Keywords; Best Keywords; Making Money Online
    Sales funneling helps in increasing sites traffic 

    The goal is to own all the traffic you can possess, this helps in growing your client list and maximizing your sales. There are three types of traffic for every business model and they include:

         The traffic you control.
         The traffic you don’t control.
         The traffic you own.

    These types of traffic are all different and have their own traits. Each of them must be understood in order to know how to discern them from each other as well as direct them.

    The traffic you control simply refers to traffic which you can direct. Email ads, Per-Per-Click (PPC) ads and other forms of paid adverts are traffic you control. This kind of traffic directs the consumers to wherever you want them to go.

    To optimize this kind of traffic, the ads should be tweaked to direct to a page where they can drop their contact information for more information on your business and products.

    The traffic you don’t control refers to the traffic you don’t have any say in where they come from or where it goes. These are random forms of traffic like mentions on Social media platforms, Search engine traffic and mentions from other sources.

    The objective is to turn this kind of traffic into what you can control, this traffic can be pushed to a central source of information on your products like a blog or website. After that, the traffic becomes what you can control and pass into the communication funnels.

    The best kind of traffic is that which you own, your clients’ email list, as well as followers and customers, make up part of this traffic. It simply points to traffic whose flow which you can control. The bigger the traffic you own, the more sales and profit you make.

    Constant interaction with whatever traffic you have is key to converting leads and securing a long client list. Reviewing your content for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps in increasing your traffic and subsequently your customers.

    If you would like to grow your online business to new heights and learn 50 Marketing Tips and Tricks that we have acquired over 20 Years and $100 Million in sales then please feel free to grab a copy of our book.

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