• The Two-Step Sales Funnel

    This funnel works hand-in-hand with the free-plus-shipping offers being handed to the prospects visiting your website. The funnel has a specific structure which is highly important to follow if you want high conversion rates for the traffic you have going through your website.

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    Basically, the funnel is made up of two pages, the steps, where after you proffer a free physical product on the landing page to the prospects. They then proceed to procure the free offer by moving to the first step on the funnel. This page simply asks for the shipping details, the address where they want the product is shipped to, BUT it must be made clear to the prospects on this page that they would be covering the shipping charges.

    It’s a very unethical thing to not inform the buyers beforehand that they would be paying for the shipping. This is because this can upset them and kill any bond or trust they might already have for the brand before you even have a chance to move them up the Value Ladder.

    It’s advised to add the email address entry on the first step because some of these buyers might change their minds when they get to the second step. The buyers are more probable to fill out the first step because they don’t see any request for their credit card information, just the shipping details.

    You would then have a chance to further convince them through emails to finish the funnel and procure the free offer because you already have their contact information through the first step.

    The second step in the funnel is the billing details, where the buyers would fill out their credit card information to pay for the shipping charges. An order bump should be added to this page to upsell the buyers on more value that you can proffer. The order bump is a great way to increase the total revenues generated through a sale.

    After filling out and submitting the second step, the next thing to do is to direct them to a special One-Time-Offer (OTO) which is just another chance to upsell them on a high-value product at a discounted price. Conversions on this funnel are higher than that of a regular funnel like an email squeeze page.

    This is due to the fact that you’re providing something of value, physical, for the prospects rather than offering digital information through their mail. There are rules regarding how you structure the offering you would give the buyers because it would be a waste of resources, effort and time if they can’t see any use for it.

    The Who, What, Why, How script is a script you can use to structure your offers on the Two-Step funnel. This helps you in shaping your offerings well to capture the buyers’ attention.

    If you would like to grow your online business to new heights and learn 50 Marketing Tips and Tricks that we have acquired over 20 Years and $100 Million in sales then please feel free to grab a copy of our book.

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