• Email Marketing Basics

    My Digital Genie; Digital Genie; Keywords; Best Keywords; Making Money Online

    You may have heard that email marketing is one of the best ways to reach new customers and expand your business, but simply being told of these benefits of email marketing may still, have left you asking a few questions.

    There are four primary questions people tend to ask about email marketing, and in order to understand the basics of email marketing, you will need to know the answers to these four questions.

    What is email marketing?

    Email marketing is "direct marketing" that uses email as its channel of communication. With email marketing, you are able to reach the end-user directly, without having to go through television, radio, or print.

    In order to use email marketing, a business will collect the contact information of prospective clients (those who have shown an overt interest in the product this business sells or the service this business provides), and will contact them with messages that contain specific information about products, special offers, and so on.

    Why is email marketing worth my time?

    Email marketing has proven itself to be one of the most effective marketing channels online, as it enables you to get your message delivered straight to the subscriber - who has already shown an interest in what you are hoping to sell them! With a carefully crafted email newsletter, it will be possible to build solid relationships that yield high conversion rates!

    Isn't email marketing spam?

    A lot of people are hesitant about using email marketing, because they feel they will be "spamming" people - chasing them away instead of drawing them in. But email marketing is not at all spam! When used correctly, email marketing will target only those who have already shown that they have interest in what you are trying to sell them - which makes it a valuable and respectable tool!

    How do I ensure my email marketing is effective?

    If you want to have an effective  email marketing campaign, you must realize that it is all about the numbers. If you have 500 people who regularly read your blog, and 5,000 people on your email list, you will be much more likely to achieve success when you distribute a message through email, as you will be able to contact a lot more people (in a much more direct manner!). Play the numbers to your advantage by collecting a large enough email list, and you will be able to enjoy the success afforded by a well-crafted email marketing campaign.

    If you are interested in finding out more about how to start or grow you online business then fill out the form below to get your copy of the 5 Steps to Start Your Online Business.