• How to INSTANTLY Rocket up the Search Results

    My Digital Genie; Digital Genie; Keywords; Best Keywords; Making Money Online

    When it comes to online marketing, the main thing you will hear about is search engine optimization (SEO) - and if you are trying to figure out how to use online marketing to your advantage, you can quickly become inundated with jargon and geek speak about all the details that go into SEO. But while it is certainly nice to gain a foundation of understanding that will enable you to thoroughly grasp all the things that go into search engine rankings (and that will go into your efforts toward search engine optimization as a result), it is also sometimes nice to have a few "for starters" tips you can apply to see immediate results!

    While it is certainly advisable to gain a thorough understanding of exactly how SEO works, here are a few simple tips you can apply right away to see your page start flying higher in search results:

    Pack those keywords in there

    Keywords are the words or combinations of words that someone will plug into a search engine, and when the soil of your site is rich with the seeds of these keywords, you are much more likely to bring forth a big harvest. One great way to optimize your keyword usage is to use Google to turn up the specific keywords - within the areas your website covers - that people have been using. Google has a lot of advanced tools that can help you to uncover this information, but if you want to keep things simple, you can go ahead and simply visit the Google keyword tool! For instance, if you have a website that covers various topics about dogs, and you want to know what keywords to target, type the word "dog" into the Google keyword tool, and you will immediately have a long list of variations of this keyword - complete with statistics on how many global searches each keyword has each month, and how many local searches each keyword has each month. With this simple bit of knowledge, you will be able to start incorporating relevant keywords and showing up in these searches!

    Put meta tags to use

    Meta title tags and meta description tags are two of the biggest things that will bump you up in search engine rankings - and while most people apply meta title tags without even knowing it (simply by adding a title to each page or post on their site), meta description tags often go neglected. By simply using meta tags that incorporate relevant keywords and encourage those browsing the Internet to click on the link, you will embark upon a steady ascent toward the top of the search engine rankings!

    Build up those backlinks

    Backlinks are the links on other pages that point to your site - and the more backlinks you have (especially the more backlinks you have from reputable and popular sites), the more quickly you will climb in search engine rankings. Of course, you can generate organic backlinks simply by providing valuable content on your site, but you can also use a backlink builder to quickly create scores of backlinks - and to quickly pull yourself higher in those ever-important search engine rankings!