• How The Free-plus-shipping Offer Works For The Sales Funnel

    My Digital Genie; Digital Genie; Keywords; Best Keywords; Making Money Online

    The Free-Plus Shipping offer is a low-priced product used to convert cold traffic for your sales funnel and get them familiar with your product or solution. This is one of the best funnel tools available right now and has been proven to generate high cash flow.

    It also helps you build your client list whilst driving more sales to the back end of the sales funnel through upsells. This is possible because as soon as the prospects are convinced about your products, then they are ready to be offered higher-priced products with more value.

    The Free-Plus Shipping offers prospects visiting your website a free physical product or item in exchange for their contact information, almost always their email address, shipping address and payment for the delivery cost of the product. After securing their email address, you can use it to upsell to them after the current purchase.

    The physical product should be a low-cost item of value related to the niche you operate in. It should be low-cost because you would be giving the offer away in bulk to secure as many prospects as possible. The item’s value is important because if it doesn’t appeal to the prospects then it would be a waste of resources.

    At this stage of the funnel, you take advantage of the ‘free’ word and promise to capture their attention totally because they almost always will go with the offering. And you must always deliver with the promise because this helps you build trust in your brand and this is an integral part of every relationship between the seller and their clients.

    To build this offer, simply:

        Create a landing page, which lays out and details the offer in a simplified manner without any distractions, on which the prospects would first get to. This page basically informs them about the offer and how to proceed with getting it.
          Create a checkout page on which the prospect’s billing and contact information.
        Create a One-Time-Offer (OTO) page where you can upsell the prospects on other products that are available at higher, but discounted, prices. Strategically loading the back-end of the offer with upsells and downsells if necessary, is very important because some customers are hyperactive buyers and might go along with getting it. This is very effective in optimizing the outcome of the sales funnel.
          The Free-Plus Shipping process must always make the prospects aware of the shipping micro-commitment before taking them to the checkout page. After they acknowledge this, they can then pay for the shipping and get the OTO offer which they can accept or reject before they get to the delivery page.

    One of the greatest assets you can acquire from the prospects is their email addresses because this is how you establish constant communication and effectively market to them to get them to patronize you repeatedly over time.

    This offer is tested and proven to be highly resourceful in converting prospects.

    If you would like to grow your online business to new heights and learn 50 Marketing Tips and Tricks that we have acquired over 20 Years and $100 Million in sales then please feel free to grab a copy of our book.  

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