• Five Variables of Successful Campaigns

    My Digital Genie; Digital Genie; Sales Funnel; Keywords; Best Keywords; Making Money Online
    There are five key variables to consider when building a successful online ad campaign. These variables work together to creating a funnel and making it work effectively to optimize sales and maximize profit. When a funnel doesn’t work as it’s supposed to, the step to take is analyzing each of these variables to know which area is lacking in optimization.

    It’s best to have just one area not working properly than to have more than one not working. The five variables include:


    My Digital Genie; Digital Genie; Sales Funnel; Keywords; Best Keywords; Making Money Online

    This entails all the attributes of the target audience, who belongs to the target audience and those who don’t. Their discerning attributes include age, sex, level of income, education as well as other traits that you might want to target uniquely in an effort to pass your message across. Knowing your demographics is very important because resources and effort targeted at the wrong audience can prove detrimental to the business or brand.

    Therefore, proper research is necessary to be put into figuring out the right demographics to target to able to access and tap into the opportunities that can benefit the business. After knowing your demographics, the next thing is to access areas or sites where you can easily find them to market to them.

         Offer: This refers to the product or service you’re proffering to the prospects and customers at a particular price, as well as the upsells and downsells. The upsells refers to a more expensive product, with more value, that you offer to the consumer. And the downsells refers to an alternative product you suggest to the consumers at a lower price when they don’t want the initial product or service you proffered. You can make a research about the pricing your competitors offer and the points where they offer each product in the funnel. This will give you pointers on how to structure your own products and pricing to gain a competitive edge.

         Landing Page: This refers to the page an ad redirects the prospects to when they click on it, this is highly important because you’ve already caught a bit of their attention and the next thing to do is secure it. You can study your competitors’ landing pages to see what works for them in securing leads and model your pages after that. You can tweak what a successful campaign has done because they are proven models of what works.

         Traffic Source: Instead of striving hard and wasting resources trying to create traffic, you can make a research about where successful campaigns get their traffic from and tap this resource. There are online software tools that can be used to achieve this and this goes a long way in gaining an edge when modeling your traffic funnel.

         Ad Copy: This is the final variable of a marketing campaign and what it simply entails is what the ads of the campaign should look like. Again, rather than trying several kinds of ads that might work for the campaign, its best to study what models your competitors are using to make their marketing campaigns work for them to get an idea of what works for your niche. You can then improve upon such models to have a competitive edge in the markets.

    A successful campaign depends hugely upon all these elements to work out and without them, the whole campaign process won’t succeed. Having all of these is a way to secure steady and predictable sources of income for your brand or business. Optimize all of these and you’ve got yourself a campaign that works for you.

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