• Using The Soap Opera Sequence

    My Digital Genie; Digital Genie; Keywords; Best Keywords; Making Money Online
    The Soap Opera Sequence (SOS) is a method used to engage leads with the aim of establishing trust. This helps in securing a loyal and active client list as well as long-term marketing success. The soap opera sequence can be used to connect with prospects to build a relationship around your brand, product, and Attractive Character (AC).

    The SOS is made up of five emails that are used to entice and involve the prospects in the brand’s process. After getting the prospects to opt into the mailing list, the next step to take is to start the SOS email sequence. The way the AC is introduced is crucial because the prospects always end up being captivated or not by the first mail and this decides the fate for the next chain of mails.

    When captivated, the prospects will look forward to the next one and the one after that till they get convinced about the value of your brand. The series of emails need to have a structure mirroring the following:

         EMAIL 1: Setting The Stage
    This is the first mail in the chain of mails and is sent to welcome them to the brand as well as thank them for subscribing to the mailing list. A subtle introductory message about your brand’s benefits should also be passed across. This gets them anticipated about what’s to come and what to expect.

         EMAIL 2: Highly Dramatic Opening
    After establishing the basics, the next part to get to is the story ‘selling’ process. This entails telling a good story with a drama-filled entrance with a climactic ending, this part immediately arouses their curiosity and captures their attention. This story needs a background, something that’s relatable and empathetic. This backstory eventually leads up to a point where the character hits a wall in his/her journey in life, something most prospects can empathize with.

    You provide them with key points detailing how they hit the ‘snag’ and then give them the promise of an answer which won’t be revealed to them in this email but the next.

         EMAIL 3: The Epiphany
    An epiphany basically means a moment of realization and by now, the prospect is immersed what you have to say. To the AC, this means the point where they realize the solution to their issues and what they did to turn the situation around for them. This part links your product, service or brand to the solution the AC is talking about. Discovery of your offering then becomes the answer to all the problems of the AC.

         EMAIL 4: Hidden Benefits
    After letting the prospects know your product or service works in the prior mail, the next thing to do is expatiate on all the benefits you have to offer them. It helps to also focus on benefits that aren’t perceived at first by the prospects. By using an instance of a case study who has successfully tried your product or service in a way unbeknown to the prospects, trust can be built in their minds about you.

         EMAIL 5: Sense of Urgency and Call to Action (CTA)
    This is the last mail in the chain of emails, and this serves the simple purpose of driving the prospects to take action in purchasing your product. On a matter of urgency, it’s important that you offer them something real with either a deadline or a limited quantity. This helps in creating a sense of real urgency for them to take action and take advantage of the offer.

    Note that these emails should be spaced out with an advised maximum of one mail per day to let each one of them stick with the prospects. This method, when used efficiently, is highly effective in optimizing the sales and profit of any brand.

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