• Making Your Site Easy To Use: Good For Readers; Good For Rankings!

    My Digital Genie; Digital Genie; Keywords; Best Keywords; Making Money Online

    When you spend your time focusing on all the elements that go into search engine optimization, one thing that can be easy to overlook is the fact that the primary focus of your website should be on the people who visit. In other words, you want the site to be easy for your visitors to use, and you want your site to cause these visitors to stick around. Why? Quite simply: this is good for your visitors - which means it is also good for your rankings.

    The more time visitors spend on your site, the more likely they are to share your site with others; of course, when visitors share your site with others, this creates backlinks (which will help your search engine ranking), and this boosts your traffic (which will also help your search engine ranking!).

    Making your site easy to use for visitors also includes making it easy for them to navigate your site. When your site is easy to navigate - with links to other posts throughout your site, and with different, well-labeled tabs that will lead visitors to specific information - you will spread your traffic across several areas of your site, which will also be good for search engine rankings. Remember that a multi-layered site is important - but it is just as important that these multiple layers are easy to reach and easy to navigate through!

    And as you go through your website, making sure it will be easy to use, always keep in mind the understanding that content is king. The better the content you are providing on your site, the more likely readers are to share this content - and the more likely your site is to continue growing as a result.

    Make your site easy to read, easy to share, and easy to navigate, and your path to high spots on SERPs will be that much easier as well.

    If you would like to grow your online business to new heights and learn 50 Marketing Tips and Tricks that we have acquired over 20 Years and $100 Million in sales then please feel free to grab a copy of our book.  

    Download a copy of our book here: 50 Marketing Tips and Tricks